Froude, Inc. USA
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI USA
Froude, Ltd. UK
Blackpole Rd, Worcester WR3 8YB

Texcel V12 PRO Data Acquisition and Controller

Froude Texcel V12 Pro data acquisition and dyno controller

For AC, Hydraulic and Eddy Current Dynamometers

The V12 PRO can control AC, eddy current and hydraulic dynamometers, together with a wide range of engine throttle systems, such as actuators, electronic ECUs, emission analyzers and other peripheral devices.

V12 PRO screens are completely customizable

See images direct from your test cell

Precise digital control and a sophisticated data acquisition system

Multiple languages are supported

For automated control, data acquisition & post test analysis

For automated control of the test process, data acquisition, and post test analysis, the TEXCEL V12 PRO provides the ideal solution combining a powerful software system with an easy to use, intuitive Graphical User Interface. The V12 PRO is a fully integrated, totally networked Dynamometer/Engine Control and Data Acquisition System that can be configured for use in a wide variety of applications such as research and development, quality assurance and post-overhaul testing.

The screens of the Texcel V12 PRO are completely customizable and multiple languages are supported. You control the layout. Simply drag and drop the gauges and present the data in the way you prefer to view it. See dial gauges, bar gauges, real-time graphs and even images direct from your test cell. You are in control.

The fully integrated TEXCEL V12 PRO features precise digital control and a sophisticated data acquisition system. The engine and dynamometer can be controlled manually using either an on screen virtual control panel or the manual control console. Automatic tests are defined using the test sequence editor which has been designed to allow the user to configure simple or sophisticated tests with ease. The data acquisition system can be used with all standard test bed instrumentation and provides fast and accurate measurements. Test bed data is displayed on fully user configurable pages and all measured data can be 4 level alarm checked and logged as required. Test result data can be viewed in Excel™ or in TexAn, Froude's test report generation system that can be used to produce graphical plots with multiple axes, maps and tabular results automatically.

The standard function can be expanded by the addition of specific Emission Test application software for passenger car, truck and off-road regulatory exhaust emission tests. These include FTP75, Euro III, Euro IV and Euro V. In combination with an AC dynamometer, Texcel enables the vehicle characteristics such as gearbox, clutch and road load model to be simulated reducing engine development time and providing correlation with data produced by a vehicle tested on a chassis dynamometer.

TEXCEL V12 PRO has the option to include direct ECU communications via K-line and CAN as well as an interface to dedicated calibration tools via the industry standard ASAM-MCD-3MC link.

The Froude TEXCEL V12 PRO Control and Data Acquisition System is specifically designed for both steady state and transient test applications, such as Research and Development Quality Assurance, Performance - Evaluation and post overhaul testing.

It provides the latest generation of Windows™ based test equipment for a new facility or as a highly capable upgrade to an existing test cell. It can be used with AC, eddy current and hydraulic dynamometers.

Programmable control functions for engine specific applications including flight simulation for turboprop and turboshaft engines, such as the T56, AE2100, Dart, Tyne and T700

Tandem dynamometer control


Contact Froude for More Information

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Froude Dynamometers
Froude dynamometers are renowned the world over as high quality, reliable and accurate. Our test equipment will provide a return on your investment for many years.

Froude, Inc. 
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI 48375 USA

Froude, Ltd. 
Blackpole Road, Worcester WR3 8YB 

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