Cradles are designed to be used with all of the following engines:
Gem, Gnome, RTM322, TPE331, PT6A, PT6T, PW100, PW200, A250, T700, CT7, Arriel, Artouste, Makila, Turmo, T53, T55, T58 & T64.
Please contact us if the engine you wish to test is not listed.
2000 Stand
The 2000 Stand comprises a main fabrication 1m wide and length up to 5m long dependent upon the application. It is normally bolted permanently to the test cell floor and has a machined top surface to accept the various components common to all 2000 systems.
2000 Skid
The 2000 Skid comprises a fabrication 1.5m wide and up to 3m long depending on the application. It has two main rails with machined top surfaces set at 1m wide to accept the various components common to all 2000 systems. The underside, however, is constructed to mimic a Series 6000 cradle, allowing a single test cell equipped with Series 6000 Stand (see Specification 6000 Stand) to be quickly and easily re-fitted for testing smaller engine types.
2000 Trolley
The 2000 Trolley has a main chassis fabrication 1m wide and length up to 5m long dependent upon the application. It has a machined top surface to accept the various components common to all 2000 systems. The mobility and the inherent flexibility of the trolley system enables a particular engine to be positioned to suit the test cell exhaust augmentor entry and overall airflow pattern.