Froude, Inc. USA
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI USA
Froude, Ltd. UK
Blackpole Rd, Worcester WR3 8YB

Used Dynamometer and Test Equipment Purchase

Have a dyno no longer in use?

Do you have a dynamometer which is no longer used due to the completion of a particular testing program or engine type? Or, do you have excess capacity which you no longer have a forecast demand for? Maybe the dynamometer is taking up needed space on your shop floor and you haven't had time to move it. More to the point, it's likely it will cost you to get it moved, so why bother?

Get in touch with us and we may consider purchasing it. 

Froude purchases complete test cells, including ancillary equipment, or individual assemblies such as inlet or outlet valves.

By selling it to us, you will therefore:

Be able to release capital or use it to offset another purchase

Be able to make valuable space on site to develop existing projects or begin new ones

Be saving yourself the cost of getting the equipment repaired or moved off site


I'd like Froude to consider an equipment purchase.

Froude Dynamometers
Froude dynamometers are renowned the world over as high quality, reliable and accurate. Our test equipment will provide a return on your investment for many years.

Froude, Inc. 
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI 48375 USA

Froude, Ltd. 
Blackpole Road, Worcester WR3 8YB 

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