Froude, Inc. USA
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI USA
Froude, Ltd. UK
Blackpole Rd, Worcester WR3 8YB

Dynamometer Training Available at Our Location or Yours

Are you using your dynamometer and control system to its full potential? When your equipment was installed, it is likely that you had some dynamometer training but that may have been simply to get you up-and-running, so the extensive functionality of the dyno equipment and controllers has never really been fully explored or explained. This means that there is more that your control system is capable of but you may not know how to use it fully or are not actually aware of all that it can do.

We offer training on all aspects of our dynamometer test systems. Contact us to schedule dynamometer training at our location or yours. 


Benefits of Dynamometer Training

training delivered by experienced, professional personnel

improvement in productivity, time management, and staff confidence

if you have existing test systems, training can make better use of the equipment

training courses can be tailor-made to your requirements

our training will give you assurance that your test systems will be managed safely and reliably

location of training - choose from training at our Conference Center and purpose-built live test cell in the UK, the US, or training at your own site

Training covers topics ranging from the theory of operation of various dynamometer types to hands on operator training or maintenance, and can be tailored to your exact requirements.

Training on our control & data acquisition systems covers basic theory of the control system, configuring the system to individual requirements, and operating the system to run test sequences.

Our Customer Training Center in Worcester is the ideal environment for learning. We have a large conference training room capable of training up to about 10-12 people, plus a purpose built, live test cell, with dynamometer, engine and control room.

Relevant training is cost-effective and can improve service delivery.

To request more information about our training courses, to discuss your individual requirements, or to obtain a quotation for training either at your site, at Worcester, or in Novi, please click the information request button.

Request Information on Dynamometer Training

Froude Dynamometers
Froude dynamometers are renowned the world over as high quality, reliable and accurate. Our test equipment will provide a return on your investment for many years.

Froude, Inc. 
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI 48375 USA

Froude, Ltd. 
Blackpole Road, Worcester WR3 8YB 

© Copyright 2025 Froude, Inc. All Rights Reserved.