Froude, Inc. USA
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI USA
Froude, Ltd. UK
Blackpole Rd, Worcester WR3 8YB

Approved and Trained by Froude. The Best Service for Your Dynamometer.

Authorized Service Centers Available Globally and Warranted by Froude

When it comes time for maintenance or repairs, you should always choose a Froude Authorized Service Center (FASC). Only FASCs can offer the quality care and service needed to keep your dynamometer system operating correctly and safely. 

FASC technicians have received specialized training from Froude to ensure they possess the knowledge and skills required to quickly identify issues and to ensure test cell uptime is maximized. You can be assured that genuine OEM parts and equipment will be used to match the original specifications of your equipment. 



Ryan Kim
Yonsei, 50 Seodaemun-gu
Seoul,  Korea
Office: 02.365.7080
Mobile: 010.3867.7213



Hadi Alrasheed
Mohammed Hadi Al-Rasheed & Partners Co.
Dist, AI, Dammam Branch Rd, Girnatah
Building # 2865
Riyadh 13242.  KSA
Phone: +966.50.748.2029



Pravin Patil
ZEAL Services
Flat No. 10, A-Wing, Harileela Society
Near Balewadiphata, Baner
Pune – 411045 India
Phone: +9.19822881804



Peng Qingshan
Hong Kong BTR Technology Ltd
Flat 2, 19/F He Nan Bldg 90-92 Jaffe Rd
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone: +86.138.1650.6840

Need Service? Contact your FASC or click the SUPPORT widget.

Froude Dynamometers
Froude dynamometers are renowned the world over as high quality, reliable and accurate. Our test equipment will provide a return on your investment for many years.

Froude, Inc. 
41123 Jo Drive, Novi, MI 48375 USA

Froude, Ltd. 
Blackpole Road, Worcester WR3 8YB 

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