If you have a test cell down/equipment breakdown, then a dynamometer rental or control equipment rental from Froude is the ideal solution because it means you can continue testing with very little delay while your equipment is being repaired.
Alternatively, all your existing equipment may be running like clockwork and all you simply need is additional capacity to manage peaks in demand.
Note: Dynamometer rental is subject to equipment availability.
Dynamometer and Test Equipment Rental
short or long term rental packages are available to suit you
our control system and dynamometer rental equipment has been overhauled, tested, & calibrated
provides additional capacity to manage peaks in demand
minimizes downtime while a repair, refurbishment, or upgrade is being undertaken on your existing equipment.
may eliminate the need for capital expense as rental could be 'expensed' against other budgets
Froude dynamometers are renowned the world over as high quality, reliable and accurate. Our test equipment will provide a return on your investment for many years.